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Really fed up!


New Member
hi all
Sorry to moan but weighed today and lost nothing in last week :( just thinking whats the point?
All that pain and eating hardly anything and lost no weight. Any ideas anyone as to why no weight loss?
Thanks and sorry to moan
hi julie, please dont be upset the results will soon come, in my first month i lost each week: 2lb, 12lb then nothing for the next 3wks since then ive lost 2lb short of 6 stone in 4 n a half months, the weight will soon drop off and you wont look back.
aww chin up hun you be fine .xxxxx
Thats so depressing, I'm sure it'll come good though. Are you drinking enough? Did you lose a lot during pre op?
Hun i really think u need to not weight urself every week, as especially as women are weights can easily play silly games.
Hun u will be losing fat most prob inches and u may stay the same for a few weeks then have a good loss pls dont stress urself about it xxx
OOOh you need to do a search on this! There are a number of us who have very slow loss - I lost nothing for 3 weeks, lost 4lb the next then nothing since, and to cap it all off, my op or rather post-op has given me serious side effects which effect me. It is all very dependent on each individual - your hormones, metabolism, height, weight, perpensity for loss etc etc and it may well be that it will come in fits and spurts. Don't be down hearted - it WILL happen!
hi all
have lost 35lb since i started my pre op diet but that was 7 weeks ago just bit fed up as people i was in with have lost 3 stone and one bloke has lost 4.5stone.
I know we are all different and could be my pcos playing up.
thanks for your replies
glad it helped hun.x
chin up hun your not that long from having your op your body is still adjusting i think you have done brilliantly you will get there xx
thankyou i know when i think 2.5 stone in 7 weeks is not bad really. its just when you read and hear other people loosing much more i think what am i doing wrong?
but we are all different.

You have done so well to lose what you have lost so far, So well done!!!
Your still early days yet and it takes time for your body to adjust so don't panic. Your doing really well hun. x
HI JUlie, I thought the same then next day lsot some weight, I felt as if i had lost but the scales weren't saying it and it does get frustrating...hang in there..with me!!

As for your PCOS, I have that and i found that when i had my band 3 yrs ago it didnt affect my weight loss in fact my weight dropped very quickly to begin with and that helped me to then for the first time in my life have regular periods. I think that we jsut have to be patient with the bypass and in a years time we will be wondering what all the fuss was about...xx
I could have wrote this post. I am 8 weeks post op. I had 3 week were I didn't lose any thing. It was very worrying. I think I wasn't eating and drinking enough. This week it has all started again and the weight loss is rolling.

It will start again but try not to worry.