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Reassure me please


New Member
I am 3 weeks post op now. Tonight the muscles in the area around my port are very very sore, to the extent that I am going to get up and take some painkillers. Today is my daughter's 6th birthday, and I ran a full party for her. I am presuming the pain is down to me overdoing it, but my mind is working overtime. I am so, so sore :(
you have over done it please take it easy tomorrow x
you need to take it easy and rest hun :)
our bodys are a well tuned machine. youve worn it out and its letting you know. swithch it off for a few days and it will recharge. but make sure you listen to it!!!!
my biggest problem is that my mother thinks I should be fully recovered now so she is pushing me constantly to do more stuff. Then my SIL is nagging in my ear because her friend had one done and was back at work within a week.
Tell your mum and SIL that everyone is different and recovers at different rates. If i was you i'd listen to your body and not people who haven't had the operation :)

Take care, hope youre feeling better soon.
Remind your mother and sister in law that superman is a man and wears his pants over the top of his trousers.... you don't!

We are all different, you'll be back to normal when you've recovered and not until.......xxx
Time for you to sit and chill missy.

hugs xx
I've had a better day today, took my time getting out of bed this morning, then took my DD2 who was 6 yesterday to another girl's birthday party. I just sat and chatted to other mums, told a few about my band, lots of lovely supportive comments. Then tonight I went out with some friends for a curry. I was very selective with what I ate, fitted it in with the mashed stage of food that I am currently at. I can honestly say I enjoyed it more than when I had been out in the past and eaten to beyond full!
Morph babe I am nearly 5 weeks post op and i still have to take a wee moment now and again....As my GP said it will be 6-8 weeks before you feel like a regular person and the more folk try to hurry you along the longer it will take.I am having to listen to my body when it says full..when it says empty and when it says LIE DOWN AND STOP THE CLEANING...lol.....I now do it cos it knows best :D Let them walk a mile in your shoes before making comment...then at least they will be a mile away but will have your shoes......