New Member
please can anyone shed any light on my prob please. i was diagnosed with an early onset menopause ten years ago at 36 an was put on hrt ,not had periods for 8 years. menopause was diagnosed by specialist after lots of tests and biopsys.since my bypass on july 1st i have had 3 periods am developing bad pmt, so doc advised hormone blood test had this on monday an got call from doc friday asking me to go in. well it seems my blood shows that my ovaries an all hormones are working at a level stronger than my age .my doc says he has never known it before an just kept shaking his head an grinning. he says he is hoping that they made a mistake ten years ago an this is not post menopause bleeding. please anybody has this happened to you or anybody you know. i have now lost 5 an a half stone since op .best wishes to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx