Hi Tasha, as Debbie says you are not being silly. We experience fear for a reason. However, you've done all your research and are with your team because you trust them and know their stats. I had my surgery delayed once and cancelled on the actual day due to concerns about my safety. No surgeon wants to have your death on their hands, so will have and will be taking, all the necessary precautions. All surgery carries a risk, even having your teeth pulled under anaesthetic, so, I'd be more concerned if you weren't worried. However, looking at the amount of people on this site and their stories you know that the surgeons have become very proficient at this op and have very very few mortalities.
I am now 6 months post op and it's the best decision I ever made. I too had my concerns but knew with my health problems etc that I would only be around for at the most 5yrs. At least now I won't have my life shortened by an obesity related disease and my girls, hubby, family and friends have a new more energised, fitter and proactive me.
I'll be praying for you. I wrote down the pros and cons the night prior to my surgery to help me confirm that the decision I had made was the best one for me and my family. It is never too late to delay your surgery if that is what you decide. I think nearly all of us had your fears just prior to surgery.
Sending you lots of love and hugs.