But do you think it should become standard lessons on how to read labels on food packages and the importance of understanding to sticking to cals etc, maybe include it in PE lessons.
Our school did cover a *bit* of this, Gary (way back in the 1980's) in Home Economics, and some info about carbs, protein, fats, amino acids, all the food groups and nutrients etc.
What I think no one ever told me while I was a *slightly* overweight teenager is how dangerous it is to go from being just *slightly* overweight to obese / morbidly obese / super morbidly obese .... and how difficult it can be to diet, constantly doing battle with your body.
We had lots of lessons / talks and information films about the dangers of smoking, plus drug and alcohol abuse ...... but none about the
dangers of obesity.
I think it would be helpful if schools had talks from an
ex-obese person who has lost weight (possibly through surgery) about how the most sensible thing to do is use "healthy eating and exercise" to
stay the current size you are, not use "dieting" as a crash and burn act of desperation to try and rectify excess weight gain, after the event .... and about the *major* negative impact obesity can have on your life.
When you are in your 20's and 30's and just "moderately" obese but still fairly fit and active (with no co-morbidities at that time) ..... you just don't see the long term problems you are storing up
(e.g. my arthritic hip and right knee which have become troublesome this year have not become troublesome just because I have been carrying over 23 stone this year .... but all the years I was carrying 14 stone / 17 stone / 20 stone etc -- and thought I was quite fit and active for a "big" girl at those weights.)