Hi Allison, hun honestly it is so normal for you to have thoughts like that and i am sure most of us who r post oppers and especially for those of us who r mums we worry that bit more. All i can say is that if u look at the statistics for people having any kind of wls the percentage of people who have major complications are tiny compared 2 the amount of people who are seriously ill or die from obesity related illness.
Have you got family and friends who could come round once u r back home, 2 help take the kids to school and help u at home. Tbh i was going stir crazy after 3 days at home and doing nothing that i just had to get up and get on with things as i was not used to sitting down and doing nothing as well as having cleaning ocd lol.
My bypass saved my life,i am 14 months post op and have nearly lost 13 stone

got to admit i am one of the few that have had quite a few probs post op starting about 8 weeks post op but even though i have had a rough ride i would do it over and over again.
This site is amazing they supported me so much and i have made some good friends here on the site, and we all know how hard it is pre op, so my worries and questions, but we are all here to help and support each other so just come on and post and we will do our best to help u and support you along your journey.
Take care luv Roch xx