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Seizures and ops


New Member
:cry:Hi there, I'm having a really bad day today with the nerves and everything even though I still have a month to go.The reason for this is that today I had a seizure (epileptic).I have gone nine months clear and thought at last they are under control.Now I'm scared they are not under control and am I going to have one while I'm in surgery.I know I will be in safe hands but what if it happens and I don't make it. OMG I feel so stressed out worrying.I was left with epilepsy after having 3 strokes in 2003 so its not somehing I grew up with so it scares the a** off me, sorry to ramble but I wondered if anyone else suffered with this. Many thanks for reading
xx Gaynor xx:wave_cry:
Sorry cannot tell you what affect it will have on you during surgery, do you get warning signs of them happening ect? a friend of mine can usually tell when she is about to have one.

Also i take it your surgeon knows about them surely he would not have advised the op if he believed this would be a problem. Do you take regular meds for them, if so what might happen is he will advise you to take some just before surgery.
Gaynor its not good me saying dont worry but honestly chick the surgeon will be aware and it will be monitored...you are in safe hands...worrying is going to make you feel a lot worse and thats not what you want...try to relax and speak to the hospital and see what they say, I think you will find your worrying over nothing...get your mind occupied in the run up to your op....take it from me it changed my life so much I would of risked it under any circumstances...((hug))..xx
Thanks Ts and Linda. The surgeon is aware of this and the medication I take so I will be ok. Just having a crappy day, feeling off colour so mind working over time. Take care and enjoy working lol while I'm sat here with my pepsi and ciggies. xx Gaynor xx
hi gaynor although i dont have epilepsy myself several of the children i care for do and some of them have to have frequent surgeries. They all come through fine.
Stress and worry can increase seizures and i know its easier said than done but try not to get yrself worked up. im sure you wil be fine and look back soon wondering what all the fuss was about.
You'll be fine hun xxx
Aww, easy to say but, really try not to stress yourself out, it wont be doing you any good :(

As long as the surgeon is aware of this, Im sure he will know what precautions to put in place during and after surgery.

Hope you feel better about it soon. x x x x
Hi Gaynor if ever you want to chat let me know and I will give you my number....will always give you support chick.....xx
i guess it must be distressing to have an epileptic seizure after nine months free of them..that must be hard. a girl i was in school with developed very severe epilepsy and ended up having to leave school

anyway as long as your surgeon knows you suffer from epilepsy and your medication...then i wouldn't worry..i am sure you will be safer in hospital than anywhere else even if you do have a seizure

take care
Gaynor, you said yourself you are worried and stressed and this has not helped and could be the reason you have had a siezure, if you are really worried you could always speak to the biariatric team,(sorry I can't remember how far slong in the process you are). If you haven't alredy met the anaesthetist he will reassure you, if they know then they can be prepared for all possibilities. Instead of getting stressed in silence you could always come on here and destress with one of us mad lot. Don't really know what else to say other than try not to worry and if you are that worried speak to your surgical team thats what they are there for to put your fears aside xXx
Thanks alot my lovely buddies, I'm feeling alot better after reading these posts.I've not been worrying about the surgery untill that happened yesterday, but today is a new day and all I can say is "bring it on and lets get it over and done with". Also I had a letter this morning from the surgeons secretary asking if my bp and diabetes were now under control. It is so I should get to speak to the anaesthetist soon. Thanks again you lot are invaluable.
xx Gaynor xx