Big an Bouncy
New Member
Hi all not been on for a while been sooooo busy what with hubby having a heart attack/diagnosed diabetic seven weeks ago,My beloved lab Jake going downhill fast with diabetes and back leg probs,putting the house on the market and clearing 30 years of clutter!I hadnt given my weight a thought.Went to the hospital at 2pm and the dietician weighed me,lost 7lb,must be cos Im too busy to eat!Then she tells me a letter from the pct had come,she sounded like it was bad news but she said youve been approved!!!OMG so didnt expect that,after nearly 2 years waiting I cant believe it has finally happened.I think Im in shock.Why am I not running round shouting from the treetops?Suppose it will sink in soon enough.Anyhow I have been asked to attend a meeting of others in same position on the 2nd June,and wait to hear from Spire about meeting the consultant and finding out what they want me to do about liver shrinking diet etc.Must take a deep breath and let it sink in!Best love to you all Marion x