when i started my journey in jan2011 i tipped the scales at 28st 6lb, the most exercise i did was walking to the fridge to get something to eat. i spent hours laid on the sofa in front of the TV. I'd only work 6 hours a day (you would think i worked 20 hours a day). my poor family ran around after me non stop. i had my opp and i swore my life was going to change, well it has.Today i took my daughter shopping and i walked for miles and not once did i have to be found a seat and sit my backside down, (before i would walk for 5 mins sit for 10 mins i would have been out of breath, moaning and just a right misserable cow. people would have been giving me a wide breth and looking and staring at me). No one stared at me in fact i don't think anyone noticed me, So to all you pre oppers hang in there because life is so good and is just getting better. xx