It is rather early days yet!!! Have a look...
You are not the only one to feel a bit doubtful but honestly it does work. Get yourself a healthy eating plan worked out and regular exercise. This is not initially a quick way to lose weight compared to the bypass, but over time both even out and it is possible to lose a lot of weight with a band and keep it off. If I have learnt anything (trial and error mainly) it's that I always do better following a plan and sticking to the rules of the band. Your provider should have given you all the eating guidelines but I also calorie count to make sure.
The good news is that healthy/cal controlled eating is a lot lot easier with a band rather than without...even if the band is not at the right level of restriction yet, it will help you put the brakes on bingeing etc.
Always phone your team if you are stressing and they will reassure's normal for the band to work does not mean it won't work so please relax x
Thank you so much for your message. I sometimes feel like i gave wasted money and what if the port flips, or i am in that percentage that doesnt lose and i really want to lose this weight as it depresses me and makes me feel horrid. My partner is good looking has a fab body and looks the way he did when we meet 9 years ago i now look older than him..... this depresses me:cry:Hi there,
I would say that it's very early days and it is a case of making the band work in conjunction with a new regime of healthier living... and I'm sure you will be well on your way....
Go for it precious... a good healthy routine and exercise and give yourself time... the bands do work for a lot of people. From your chart it looks as though you are losing...
What is it that makes you feel it will fail... ?
It's such early days and a really good contact who has recently had the band is Emma&Alex, she is away until next week, but she has done really well with it and has had a couple of minor blips but nothing she couldn't iron out and put behind her.
Really hoping you can take a positive view, I feel proud that you have been and had it done, please make it work for you...
If there is anything at all that I can do to encourage you, message me, but fight off those negatives, turn it into a positive hun....
Love and hugs, Bev xxx