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Sleep Apnea


New Member
Does everybody do this test, if not how do they know to do it or not?
Not everybody has it. They know who to test from the sleep apnoea questionnaire you fill in with your referral.
Thanks haven't had mine yet, I snore but that's about all and not always, if I have test will it delay op at all, rather be safe than sorry.
I found out after being referred, that I have it and now have to wear an air flow contraption when in bed! It was a very poor sleep test as I couldn't sleep properly at all. But still I stopped breathing 30 times in an hour. But they say with me not sleeping well, that would be a low figure! I was shocked. I thought they were going to say there was nothing wrong and I would be out of there in a couple of mins.... Just goes to show the things we are not aware of though!

Chrissy x
I haven't had the test yet n when my doc put my funding referral in he filled form in, not me, he did it later in week once my bloods had returned, xxx
mine was over 50 times an hour i stopped breathing, i didnt know i had it til questionnaire raised it at the first app. had test did take long time though then i had been on it for 6months before the op so that it was under control, sent it back feb this year no longer need it after losing 41/2 stone, future is rosy. xx
Hiya there, I had the sleep apnea test done in may this year. because they thought I had it. Found out in July I didn't. So! goodluck am sure every think will be ok
Thanks all
I have it and have had it for ten years use a cpap machine every night get great nights sleep now but did take a few weeks to get used to it
Don't think I will need this epworth score was 4