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Sleeve price

If you cant find the price on their website, you might need to ask them?! :confused:
Had a look round website but couldn't find a price so will give them a ring on Monday. The price seems to vary greatly with different companies?
It does look really good tho. I'm due to have a band at end of June but am seriously thinking of going for the sleeve now. Just dying to get on with it ?
Thats a good price. Never heard of cosmetic bliss-i was thinking of going with wlsgroup but its a bit pricier-think around 9000. Might look in to cosmetic bliss.
How much does a sleeve cost

Hi Gaynor,

My sleeve cost £ 9400.00 at Spire but worth every penny. They monitor me for a year and I see the dietician and nurse every 3 months, I am having another set of bloods taken next week just to check on everything. I have access to my consultant right away if there is a problem. I had a problem with a terrible pain whilst I was gardening and I just phoned up the ward, the staff spoke to my consultant and I saw him 2 days later, it was scar tissue pain.

My only concern Caren is do you have to keep going over to Brno in the Czech Republic for your follow ups. Anyway good luck with your operation, it was the best thing I had ever done.
Hi Bethany, you sound really positive about the sleeve, I'm really excited about having it done. Has it been successful for you?
Hi Gaynor its good your getting lots of info before you see mr el hassini again hope you get what you want. Wendy
Thanks Wendy, my head feels like its gonna implode with all the research! Have finally decided that the sleeve would suit me best, just have to wait and see if he agrees to do it. Am hopefully seeing him on Thursday so will keep you posted. How are you doing? Are you still feeling ok and continuing to recover and lose? X