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Sllep apnea

Hi Lou
I had to go and be fitted with a monitor that they fit in the middle of your chest. They also fit a little box that rests on your shoulder. You have a couple of straps around your middle and a little a tube that goes up each side of your nose. (but that is in a little bag until you need it at night. You also have a little monitor on your finger which is plastered down.You have to wear a loose fitting top as it is a bit bulky. the machine is then set to come on at 11 at night and you then have to put the little tube up your nose. It stops at 7 in the morning and you have to have the monitor back by ten in the morning. I did not find it to uncomfy and managed to sleep pretty well. Salford insist on having sleep test done. Bex had hers done but had to stay overnight as she lived to far away. I wake up 3 or 4 times a night so expected to fail so really suprised i passed. Good luck hun
I was sent home with a cordless oxygen level monitor to tape to my finger ,told to use it overnight and bring it back to the lung function unit where they downloaded the data simples .
I have sleep apneoa too. I was in hospital at time with a suspect dvt, my sats were extreemly low (89) they did a blood gas test by taking blood from a artery in my wrist (ow it hurts) now I have a oxygen concentrator + a c pap at home. The over night finger test showed I was stopping breathing about 4to5 hundred times a night. My oxygen levils were dropping down as low as 58 over night, no wonder I was so tired all the time icould fall asleep any where witch was scary as I am a long distance trucker. Now on treatment + sleep like a baby . Refreshed all day only bug bear is having to sleep in a mask every night , but it's that or in a box. They say that once I get my bypass + my weight comes down I shud be able to come off treatment so bonus .
When I was first diagnosed, it was after using the blood oximeter on my finger overnight. That was last November but I was tested again in July, 3 months after my DS surgery and on that occasion they strapped a monitor to my chest with electrodes on my calf muscles, a couple around my stomach and chest and one under my chin.

Was great to see the confusion on the consultant's face when I went back a week later and he was most curious to know why they could not find any sign of my sleep apnea. :)

The weight has really flown off me now since April. Lost about 6.5st and just feel a different person.
JayBee1972 said:
When I was first diagnosed, it was after using the blood oximeter on my finger overnight. That was last November but I was tested again in July, 3 months after my DS surgery and on that occasion they strapped a monitor to my chest with electrodes on my calf muscles, a couple around my stomach and chest and one under my chin.

Was great to see the confusion on the consultant's face when I went back a week later and he was most curious to know why they could not find any sign of my sleep apnea. :)

The weight has really flown off me now since April. Lost about 6.5st and just feel a different person.

I am glad you showed them. Take their sleep apnea and shove but hey what bmi or weight percentage did you have to lose to be apnea free.! Thank you big Lorne
I had a monitor that was strapped around my belly ,i had a tube with 2 ends that i had to put just inside my nose and a monitor on my finger to check my blood gases.

The results were very bad :(

I stopped breathing 70 times an Hour :eek: and on top of that my blood gases went as low as 51%.

I had my home test and was supplied with a CPAP all within 24 hours!...I wish getting funding was that quick :8855:

Hope this helps

Take Care

Andy x
I am glad you showed them. Take their sleep apnea and shove but hey what bmi or weight percentage did you have to lose to be apnea free.! Thank you big Lorne

I think I had lost about 3-4st at the time I was retested but to be honest I think everyone would be different. Some people never shake off their sleep apnea from what I understand.

I quit smoking 10yrs ago and then with the recent weight loss, I guess I gave myself the best chance of getting rid of it. I have never really had any sinus problems or a broken nose, so again that helped.
For my sleep test I stayed overnight in a hospital where they had video footage plus the finger monitor and an brainwave monitor as well. This was at the oxford churchill.

I was diagnosed with sleep apnoea in Jan and it was my kick towards wls.

ive got to have one too, waiting for a hosp appt now :(