My last night as a "Pre-opper". I feel a twang of emotion as I close one chapter of my life and enter another. :wave_cry:
I'm not nervous at the moment, I feel calm and reserved and prepared. Maybe I'm still in disbelief?
I've had a lovely day really. Hubby's brother and his family paid us a surprise visit along with hubby's dad. They got me a card with lovely words written - i welled up but held the tears back and a lovely bunch of flowers. I felt happy and admired once they had left. Then it was time to go of to mums with the kids. It wasn't as bad as I had preempted. The BBQ didn't happen to my relief and it was just my family and my mum and her partner. We had tea and mum put nibbles out. We then went over to the park for about an hour while the weather was clear and the sun peaked out. We had a bit of a giggle actually, which was great. Mum and her partner got me a lovely present - a keep sake album for my progress. Really cute novelty style album in a tin case - I love it and it's just what I was after. They got me a lovely keep sake card with a mini "Be Strong" keyring attached. The words written inside were beautiful I couldn't hold back the tears and out they came lol. I felt much better after. We left mums about 5:30pm. The kids were fine and promised to be good, my daughter even said "goodbye fat tum tum" lol which was cute. I will miss them so much over the next 3 days.
I packed my bag this morning, I've probably packed far too much but, better too much than not enough in my opinion. Hubby is more nervous than me! I just want it to be this time tomorrow then the worry will be over.
I thought I would have more to say but, that's it really. I'm going to finish my milk off and have my hot salty drink before getting an early night.
I'd like to thank everyone for all your words of support and encouragement. I really couldn't have done it without you! :grouphugg:
So move up on that losers bench and polish up that spot for me, I'm on my way! xxxx:talk017:
