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So Upset...


Hi all,

I met with my Surgeon this afternoon who has told me I need to lose weight before the op is done...

He's told me I need to lose 10kilos and that he is going to see me again in 6 months... He said that if I lose it quicker then I can come back earlier...

I feel so low...

How am I going to do that??
well thats only 20 pounds sweets, thats a stone and half, easy peasy!

ok ok, so i know we all struggle as its why were here in first place, BUT the majority of the problem is maintaing keeping it off not losing it, so tomorrow, you go shopping you buy in your new lifestyle, fresh lean protein, salads, fruit, yoghurt you know hun dont you??..... it just seems daunting at the minute because you ve heard something you didnt want to..... start with breakfast every day try porridge oats so simple is a good one, and go from there i wish you well!!!

so far ive managed to lose 3 stone before my op, im not gloating, just saying so you can see it can be done, knuckle down and you ll be sat in front of him in 3 months or even sooner if you throw excersise in! and he ll be giving you an op date

good luck xx
awww Em, that sucks :( If i were in your shoes, id be joining weight watchers or slimming world and get loosing, trying to get in as much activity as possible. 6 months to loose 2 stone is going to be hard, but if you really want your op, youre gonna have to play ball and do your best.

good luck hun x
Oh hunny mine said the same thing I had to loss 5 kg but when I went back I had only lost 2 kg I was sure he was going to say no but he didn't I'm not sayin yours will be the same but I went back to slimming world to help me to keep focased and I could get weighed every week to see how I was doing.
See how you go you never know you just might surprise yourself . Good luck and we will soon see you on the lossers bench xxxx take care xxxxx
its around a stone and a hald and in 6 months you CAN do that hun!!!, how much do you want it?.... silly question i know as your here, BUT proof will be in the scales on that next appointment, theres a thread for daily eating and a weigh in for every sat, join that hun and get some support x
Thank you everyone...

I need to do this... I've fought for too long just to give up now...

I feel pretty crap (but pretty hungry) so I'm gonna have some Weight Watchers toast and jam and get crackin on Slim Fast from tomorrow morning...

Just don't forget about me... I need a kick up the butt every now and then!
It is a disappointment when a surgeon says that to you. I was told mid January that I had to lose 15kg before my op date which is at the end of April. So far I have lost almost one stone by dieting strictly.

I was told that it would be the last diet I had to follow and that there was an end in sight - somehow this did help.

I am sure you can do it, and as suggested, if it will help you join one of the slimming clubs, and/or join us on our Saturday weigh in thread. You will get lots of encouragement from us if you need it.

Best of luck.
Thanks Jane,

I know this is a means to an end I really get that, and you are so right that it's uttely disappointing.

6 months is a long time and I couldn't believe it when he wrote down how much I had to lose!! I dont think I've ever been that weight, even pre-pregnancy!

I just gotta try my best... Wouldn't it be amazing if I could do it before the 6 months? He also said the waiting list is about 2 months long.
You probably can do it earlier. I have to lose 15kg in 3 1/2 months, or they will not do the op, so you can definitely do 10kg in less than six months if you are really, really focused. Use the Saturday thread to help you, I am finding it easier now I do that.
heya hun - dieting is really hard but you have got to keep that bypass in your mind - ive been doing a version of the atkins diet and cutting all carbs out more o less and ive lost 5 lbs a week these last 2 weeks - you could shift 10kg in a month and be back to see him - then 2 months waiting.... you could be done and dusted in 3 - 4 months!
buckle down and do this! your original post on this thread sounded like you was telling yourself you cant do it!
well you can and you will!
weigh in with us on a saturday and post on the daily meal diary thread where we can all support you and anytime you feel like something fattening or feel like givin up just go back to that thread and there will always be sum1 there to kick you up the jacksy! plus.... you never know! you could earn the slimmer of the week badge!
good luck hun! xxx
You are all fab and you've made me feel bundles better and for that I Thank You.

So Ladies and Gentlemen... I will see you on the Saturday Weigh In... *GULP!*
Yeeeeaaaahhhh! lol ill fight ya for that weekly badge luv xxx hehe xxx
Good for you hun :D We will all keep an eye on you and make sure you loose what you need to for your surgery ;) Keep on fighting for what you want XX
Keep fighting on emdubs, you can do this last push to the finishing line....good luck x
well thats only 20 pounds sweets, thats a stone and half, easy peasy!

ok ok, so i know we all struggle as its why were here in first place, BUT the majority of the problem is maintaing keeping it off not losing it, so tomorrow, you go shopping you buy in your new lifestyle, fresh lean protein, salads, fruit, yoghurt you know hun dont you??..... it just seems daunting at the minute because you ve heard something you didnt want to..... start with breakfast every day try porridge oats so simple is a good one, and go from there i wish you well!!!

so far ive managed to lose 3 stone before my op, im not gloating, just saying so you can see it can be done, knuckle down and you ll be sat in front of him in 3 months or even sooner if you throw excersise in! and he ll be giving you an op date

good luck xx

EmDubs you lost some weight to get where you are already right? Cherry has given you some excellent dietary advice there, following a good diet and really hitting the exercise will get you to where you want to be. Okay you have six months, if you don't do it in six months and it takes a little longer you can just start the process of referral again surely?

I know plastics are now with a BMI of 25, which as a plastic surgeon said at our support meeting last night, is a bit harsh. I have every faith in you my lovely, you can do it xx
Hi Ems

I'm so sorry to hear that you have had this set-back but as others have said you have already proved that you can lose weight. Although it sounds like a lot, it is very achievable and I have a feeling you will be banging on the Consultant's door way before the 6 months are up.

Everyone is different but Slimming World has worked really well for me and unlike Slimfast, its sustainable and you never need to be hungry. I think you and I live fairly nearby, having both been referred to St Georges, so if you want to hook up to do some sort of exercise, I'd be happy to if it's practical.

Hang in there honey, you are nearly there and it will all be worth it in the end.

Debs x