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So Wednesday the day...

On a mission

New Member
So...im less than 48 hours away from going in for my gastric band fitting and am starting to worry that I wont know what/how much/type of food to eat after. My dietician is great but just told me to 'blend food', which isnt much help cause ive also been told that there can be a lot of throwing up if you eat too much/wrong food/too dry etc.:jelous:

Can anyone suggest any good food to eat, particulary in the first few days after surgery. Im pining for a different taste to the things I have been having on the milk diet like chicken, tuna, eggs etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated guys, wish me luck :wave_cry:
HI on a Mission,
can't help re food advice, but can share your feelings. I too am having surgey on Wednesday and am now very nervous. Not about the surgery, but life after with a bypass. Good luck!
You will be given advice on a couple of weeks on fluids then moving onto soft then normal but you will be given thsi on discharge. Good Luck x
I had the bypass and was on fluids for a week.

Just want to wish you luck on your journey.:)
Can't offer any foods tips as I'm a bypasser, but I am sure there will be others banders along in a bit to give you a better idea, just wanted to wish you luck and say it will all be fine so try not to get too worried about things xxx
For the first week or so you will be on fluids mainly, so soup without lumps,thin yogurts, slimfast etc

Then gradually move to mushies (you will get a guideline from your surgery team to say when you can try).
Do not try and eat solids too soon because you have a lot of swelling to allow to heal inside.

One thing I did to make it more bareable is to keep the different blended food types separate on the plate.

When and only when you are ready to take mushies, perhaps have things like sloppy mash with a spoon of blended veggies and a little mince in gravy (blend it first of all)
It makes it less icky with separate mounds of mush I found.

Also blended cauli cheese and cheesy mash.
Sugar free jelly , soft sloshy porridge, blended fruit in juice etc.

Eat with a teaspoon and make sure everything is obliterated in your mouth before you swallow.
Keep your water intake up but not with meals..

You probably won't have anything in the band initially (surgeons sometimes add a fill when they place the band but not all)
After the mushy stage you can start to eat more solid foods, cottage pie, steamed veg, be careful with fish and eggs and some tougher meats.
Chew thoroughly and eat slow !
You might be suprised to find you can eat larger portions than expected, so you will have to have a healthy eating/calorie controlled meal plan ready to help you keep on an even keel til your first fill.
Please check out the band threads below my sig as other banders on there are available to advise and compare notes with you.
We are in the minority so we often have out threads buried pretty fast on here xxxx
I'm sending all of my best wishes for your surgery but i do have to say one thing....

Why wait till a few days before surgery to ask important questions?

You've been a member since 2008, surely you have done your research? I'm sorry if i sound harsh but having known someone else have a band and not even bother finding out stuff until they got out of hospital i am just rather taken back by it....

I do wish you well and advise that you take on board all the expert advice from the experienced banders on here and find out all you need to know right now xx
Many thanks to all for your kind words of encouragement and luck. Im sure it will all go down without a hitch :) Nice to know I will be given extra advice from the surgeon on discharge. Apparently im in a group of guineapig 'day case-ers' that will be in and out in 12 hours.

Especially Nina, I will check out the tips and hopefully pick up some usefull ones.

I wouldnt say that I had waited a few days before until I started my research Julie, I have been looking into everything to do with the different operations, diets, food, techniques even right down to thoroughly researching the NHS restrictions/NICE rules and geographical acceptances. What I was after was more recipe ideas from people who have actually been there and done it, rather than my dietician who is fortunate enough to be naturally slim.

Thanks all, will keep you posted and continue to read your great advice :D
Good luck with your surgery tomorrow and let us know how you got on when you are up to it. i am only two weeks post op so we can compare notes. Dont worry too much about what you can eat because if you are anything like me you will probably loose a bit of interest for the first couple of weeks anyway. I just had slim fasts and soup and have just started on blended food (like baby food consistency) which is a nice treat and have been fine and dandy so far.

I would get some deflatine in for the wind pain and maybe some syrup of figs for the constipation if your team say these are ok for you because they were lifesavers for me as way my bottle of NAS vimto.

Good luck.
Thinking of you and sending love and very best wishes to you on your WLS journey... take care and hurry up back to us... you will be fine, see you soon precious... xxx

Apologies for misunderstanding you...

Have you checked out www.bariatriccooker.com ? There are a few recipes on there which are versatile and can be used by all wls patients (or so i think), there is also a cookbook you can buy, however why buy the book till you've tried the ones on the site? Plus most of them online are in the book...

Happy cooking and remember to 'feedback' on any recipes you try so that the rest of us know how delish they are!

Good luck for Wednesday xx
tips are all good so just follow them and what your provider says but dont forget whilst you have the swelling you wont feel that hungry and that is the great thing about the band no pangs of hunger ok doesnt stop the mind craving but you learn to ignore your brain and listen to what you actually need. Good luck all will be fine I am sure x