Hi folks, well I had my band fitted on 10th October and am due to go for my first fill on Friday 13th November. This is the last week of my 'mush' diet but feel I have no restriction at all. i didn't get any fill when I got my band in and am worried as I feel so hungry and seem to be able to eat a lot until I get that pain that tells me I have had enough... I have started to introduce normal foods back into my diet but chewing well (cheese etc) but am worried it hasn't worked.... I wonder did anyone else feel like this when they got the band in with no fill until they got their first fill? I have lost 1 stone since my surgery date but not losing any more and have put a little bit back on as seem to be eating much more.... Dietician appt planned for this week was cancelled and they have to reschedule so don't have anyone to ask.... Drinking loads of water etc and waiting up to 1 hr after meals but keep snacking in between (low fat cheese triangles, jelly, yoghurt etc) which can't be normal. Thanks girlies.