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spoke to nice lady @ PCT today

julia in bath

New Member
And apparently my case is being looked at, they needed more notes from my DR. I am now being cc'd into corespondance between them and my GP. But I should hear early part of next week.
Thanks Sarah, the other thing was she sounded so positive, like she was going to say yes any minute, but then she said it would be another 5-7 days lol, still another reason for me to keep thinking it will be a yes when it comes.
Glad it wont be long to wait until you find out, I have my fingers crossed for you
thanks so much emma, hope your feeling better hun xx
they did this to me as well i think its just to get a bit more info to put in notes when they going to say yes ,so as they cant be queried about it that what my gp said anyway goodluck;)
Excellent news Julia I am as chuffed as 9pence for ya. keep me informed for that magical day when Mr delmonte says "Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeees" as we are all in this together "TEAM WORK GIRL":grouphugg:
And apparently my case is being looked at, they needed more notes from my DR. I am now being cc'd into corespondance between them and my GP. But I should hear early part of next week.
Fingers and toes crossed for you :)
they did this to me as well i think its just to get a bit more info to put in notes when they going to say yes ,so as they cant be queried about it that what my gp said anyway goodluck;)

aww, do you really think so? I reeeeaaalllly hope your right. So they asked for more notes from your gp then said yes?
thanks very much for all your messages of encouragement, they really do mean a lot to me xx

Hey Julia dont forget this was all a pipe dream for me. I only went to my doctors on April 8th and I am on my last hurdle of just awaiting my op date now. So there you have it. Gail-michelle:patback:
thanks very much for all your messages of encouragement, they really do mean a lot to me xx
I know, with this surgery it can all happen very quickly if your lucky enough to get the funding, or can afford to pay. A lady just down the road from me had a band fitted in Dec. She went to her gp who phoned the pct and faxed the ladies details, the pct said yes in one day. she saw the surgeons team one month later, he took one day to give her the ok, and there was a cancellation the the following week, so from gp to op took 5 weeks. I know this is not the norm but when you hear things like that you think i want that to be my experience!