Born Free
I've had my balloon in Feb and went back to see the psych who recommended balloon before bypass to see if I could 'cope with restriction'. Well, he's moved the goalposts - now he's talking about a second balloon after this one to take me over the '6 month cusps of changing behaviours'... I can understand his reasoning, but I don't really want another balloon - I want something permanent - but he's determined that I can do it without surgery.... I just wish I was but I know myself to well - I'm sick of losing weight and then putting it all back on!
what do I do???? I think he kinda holds the strings - if he won't agree bypass then I don't think the surgeon will go ahead with it.
I don't see the nurse again until May. I don't want to miss my chance of having the op this year what with all that's happening at the moment with the NHS.
what do I do???? I think he kinda holds the strings - if he won't agree bypass then I don't think the surgeon will go ahead with it.