I would have hated to have been in the situation you were put in and I feel for you. The only advice I can possibly offer is
relax and just let the days roll by until your new date comes along.
Why put yourself through the doubting phase now, you've already got here once before and what's changed now -
nothing you're still going for the same op and afterwards will be the start of your new life - you know that's what you want because that's why you're here and why you made the decision to have the op the first time round.
Don't let the doubts into your head, now is the time to be positive and look forward to your new date and your new life. Afterwards you will wonder why you felt like this the results are so worth it - my biggest regret with regards to having this surgery was:
Why the hell didn't I do it earlier
life is way too short and everyone deserves to be happy and besides you get to get a number of whole new wardrobes out of it all

nothing makes you happier than downsizing your clothing and when your op is out the way and done that's exactly what you will be doing, the op is a doddle all you have to do is have a sleep for an hour or so and it's done.
So time to focus your mind on the future, forget the doubts and just look forward to making everyone else budge up on the losers bench, because you know that's where you want to be, isn't it?
All the very best.