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So today i am 8 days post-op and my provider has said to start pureed food. I can have anything as long as it is like baby food!

So at tea time last night i had lamb hotpot with my family, started with 6 spoonfuls as recommended, but was still hungry, had another 2 and felt abit uncomfortable so left it at that.

Come 2 hours later i was starving! I have survived on soup and yogurt all week, no hunger and now it's back!
Anyone got any hints about what to eat to prevent this hunger and what do i eat for breaky at this point?? Last nights tea pureed didn't appeal to me so it was back to yogurt :(

Claire x
Hi Claire,
You said that before you started on pureed food you were having soup and yogurt, do you think it could be digestion feelings you are having and not hunger now that you are on pureed but proper food. I know I did have that sensation myself for a while.
Lynne x
Sloppy weetabix,readybrek made milky,sugarfree Farleys rusks.Soft boiled egg mashed.cottage cheese.apple sauce.
The reason you are feeling more hungrier is because your healing and therefore recovering, I dare say lots of ppl on this weight loss forum will tell u exactly the same. Also when I was at the stage your at (pureed) I was advised by my provider too eat little and often, if your having 6/8 tbs and then going 3/4 hours before your eating again no wonder your hungry. Keep your fluids up and please follow your providers guidelines, they are put in place for a reason. Wishing you all the very best Hun xxx
Yes on a good day I eat every two hours a Babybel,6 walnut halves,spoon of cottage cheese,slice ham or glass of milk!
i also eat 6 small meals a day mashed boiled egg ready brek milky cheese triangles sloppy scrambelled egg mash and thin gravy or mash and grated cheese
I am at the stage now where I am supposed to eat normally as stated on the diet sheets given to my by my bariatric team. Three meals a day with fruit inbetween.
I cant manage fruit yet so I just try to eat three sensible meals eating my protein first.
Lynne x
water will help.

btw u arent drinking at the same time as eating are u...cos that will push things through ur band quicker
water will help.

btw u arent drinking at the same time as eating are u...cos that will push things through ur band quicker


No drinking while eating, finding that really hard, but managing it, and i have been told to cut down on my fluids as i was drinking a 2 litre jug of weak sugar free squash plus any tea i might have or fluids out and about! Opps apparantly too many fluids are as bad as too little!!

Still hungry and my portion sizes are getting bigger, still hungry in between meals, nit sure what to do now but use my will power to keep me going until my fill........ whenever that maybe!
ur body is adjusting loopy. I too am finding it hard not to eat and drink at the same time. good luck xx
How much are you having? you mentioned for your first sloppy meal 6 spoons - are they tablespoons?

Your portions will get bigger as you heal. I was on liquids for 2 weeks post op but was really starting to feel hungry at that point. I started out by having a slim fast for breakfast (was a long time before I could eat proper breakfast), some home made soup not quite blended but not lumpy either for lunch and my favorite tea was ocean pie - mushed up with some extra parsley sauce added.

If you really feel hungry have a low fat yoghurt, a cup a soup, a smoothie or a milky coffee between meals.

Try not to worry too much, keep following what you are advised and hopefuly you will get your fill date soon x