My insurance would not cover my surgery, so I had to look for alternative solutions unfortunately. However I just recently had the sleeve done and I feel great! Sorry about all the hills they make you hurdle!
Hi Dave! My ins wouldn't pay for it so I had to pay out of pocket! It sucks! But I'm happy and I didn't pay $35,000 I had to look for alternative methods.
Hi UC. I've a friend who iS jumping through hoops too. They ballooned him, he lost 30kl. After 6 mths they took it out. 6mths on it's all back. Now they're talking the band but this is the NHS who are trying to save money unless you shout enough, & he doesn't!
Hi UC. I've a friend who iS jumping through hoops too. They ballooned him, he lost 30kl. After 6 mths they took it out. 6mths on it's all back. Now they're talking the band but this is the NHS who are trying to save money unless you shout enough, & he doesn't!
Just popping in to say hi to all my new friends, Carpe Diem: Sieze the Day......or if you are my friend and cannot spell but wants to copy my tat.......Carpe "Dium"......which would be I guess sieze the salt lol.
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