I've got the funding approval for the tummy tuck from stoke on trent pct and the criteria is a bmi below 26 with some midline abdominal weakness,however no one examined me and I am not sure I have that.If you want the guidelines go to minton house on london road stoke and they will give them to you but it is only the 2 criteria mentioned above,as for the breast thing I have no idea but the sheet minton house gave me included every procedure and the criteria.
My doc applied for the funding wjhen my bmi was still 28 or so and had a letter back saying they would fund it if the bmi was below 26,as soon as my bmi was 25.9 the gp wrote to confirm and 2 weeks later I had a letter from the pct saying my request for funding had been approved,and |I have an appointment with the surgeon tomorrow it should have been 5 weeks ago but they cancelled.
How ever my friend had a bypass and the doctor who referred her for the bypass wont apply for funding,where I lost the weight on my own and my gp was more than happy to apply and write several times to remind them on,whether the fact I didnt have the bypass helped who knows.lets hope your GP is on board