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Strange Dreams


Crazy Cat Lady ;)
Since I received my op date, I've been having strange dreams around my wls.

The silliest one was that on day one of my pre-op diet, I got up and completely forgot to start my diet. I ate normally all day and then realised what I'd done but by then it was too late. I called my dietitian who told me that they would have to cancel my operation and I had 'failed' miserably!

The weirdest and creepiest one was that I'd murdered someone! Then I had to murder two other people because they had found out about the first murder and when I was caught, I was only sorry because it meant I could no longer have my wls as I would be in prison!!! :eek: I could never murder anyone - I wouldn't hurt a fly, honest!
Weird dreams,

I've had the same dream more than once, I keep dreaming that my breast are attached to my stomach and my upper chest bit is flat, I then have to have surgery in order to move my breast back to the correct place :^)
I had crazy dreams!! Some about running around after food but mostly about being chased by sharks/dinosaurs/zombies. Think it was the sudden change in diet but don't think my overactive imagination helped much
Wow.. I am doing the same..
I keep dreaming people close to me are putting food in my mouth and I keep saying no but they say u have too..
Well must be healthy if we all doing it.. Lol
When I was pregnant I kept dreaming I was giving birth to a hare.. So must be sub conscious playing tricks xxx
Wait until you are post op. For the first week post op I had the strangest dreams, I don't know if it was the anaesthetic leaving my body or what.

First night I got home I dreamt I ate toast with chocolate spread - I woke up sweating thinking it was real and that I had damaged my new pouch - thankfully it was all a dream.