As usual, a stupid question is buzzing round in my head and I can't stop it niggling me 
OK, question for post op-ers. I understand that most hospitals like you to walk to theatre (well the prep-room) and I know that most teams expect you to get up on the table yourself (because lifting patients of my weight is a risk to their backs etc )
I am v.v.heavy and in my mobility which would mean that I could not lift myself up onto anything that is higher than a high-ish chair. This is obviously not as high as an operating table so I am now terrified about not being able to get up there :cry:
Is the table adjustable in height once I am up there or is there a step etc for me to climb up on?
I know that it is a stupid thing to worry about but I am getting terrified now :cry:
OK, question for post op-ers. I understand that most hospitals like you to walk to theatre (well the prep-room) and I know that most teams expect you to get up on the table yourself (because lifting patients of my weight is a risk to their backs etc )
I am v.v.heavy and in my mobility which would mean that I could not lift myself up onto anything that is higher than a high-ish chair. This is obviously not as high as an operating table so I am now terrified about not being able to get up there :cry:
Is the table adjustable in height once I am up there or is there a step etc for me to climb up on?
I know that it is a stupid thing to worry about but I am getting terrified now :cry: