Morning all - i know some of you here have been talking about north east referrals so i though i would share mine - i live in Gateshead by the way. My doctor agreed to refer me in March last year. My BMI was 37.5 with high blood pressure, digestion problems, high cholestrol too. I got my appt to go to an open evening session for the 6th May. It was packed and fab to meet so many people. I have to say - and this is nothing whatsoever to do with vanity - that i was amongs the smallest there in and was worried that this may exempt me but a quick word with Mr Small said it was not as black and white. The session was brilliant, for information and to meet so many great people in a similar position. After that i got an appt to meet with Mr Small for the beginning of June. Both him and the dietician were great - very down to earth and efficient. He agreed that i would be a candidate for surgery based on my BMI and my health problems. i had to lose 7 pounds before my next appt and have some tests and then providing all was ok he would confirm it. I got my next appt for early Sept but had to put it back twice as i was away training with a new job. I saw his consultant again in October who confirmed i could deffo have it!! Provisionally we were looking at end of DEC!! As it turns out it wasnt - it was delayed till March which was very disappointing and then i rang up again in Jan and it was delayed till May!! My doctor, who has been the best, gave me a number to ring other than the secretary - who is a treasure - and they said i should hear by end Feb for an appt end March which was great. The next day a letter came saying i could ring up on the Wednesday and get my date - which i did and i will have my op on the 28th February! I got my liver reducing diet yesterday which i start a week tuesday. I hope this helps anyone from this area and if i can help you more please shout. Good luck all xxxx
Cheers for the info. The process seems to vary so much throughout the country and at times i admit to feeling envious and frustrated that other people in other areas are getting their surgery dates much quicker than us at Sunderland (but as Mr Small pointed out - our region has such a high incidence of obesity per population and the requests for nhs wls has increased so much, its inevitible that resources won't meet demand) I just need to be more patient :jelous: It will be interesting to follow your progress. Good luck and let us know how you get on.
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