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Firstly ill start by warning you all that I have a massive tendency to wander right off track! My uni lecturers cannot bare it ha-ha.
Where to begin... i suppose late childhood would be a pivitol moment. I remember being 9-10 years old and had always considered myself larger. We had all just moved from Manchester to Devon and I had started my final year at primary. Were bullied like you would not believe! BUT... not for my weight... for my ‘strange’ accent! My step-dad made sure I got over that quick sharp though, made me single out the ringleader, and punch her!!! OMG... I did and we were best mates for years after.
Anyway, I progressed into high school and was determined to be liked. I was outwardly known as the ‘pretty girl’ or as an on/off boyfriend used to say..”She is not fat our kell. She is just big boned”!!! The horror!!
From there on in, I was obsessed by my weight and to make things worse, my stepsister was bulimic!!
Never have I felt soooo guilty for eating. Hasten to add the underneath of my mattress was laden with stolen empty crisp packets.
The most heartbreaking thing though, is that I now look back at photos and wish I were that ‘fat’ again!!! I was a bloody rake ha-ha.
Anyhow, I yo-yoed for years and years and when I met the father of my first daughter Laura-Jade at 14 (he was 18) I recall being petrified of him seeing my jelly belly! I was 14 ffs!!
Yet I was wearing a pair of white size 8 jeans the night we ‘did it’!!
Things looked ok and I got pregnant at 16. I had always had an old head on my shoulders (due to past life experiences----another story) and so it was not a massive OMG. My mum was fine, ‘HE’ was not, but hey, ho, the pregnancy went ahead and I gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl. I was even flaunting a size 12 denim skirt 2 days after she was born!!!
HOWEVER>>>> I got preggers again within a year and after what would be a longer story, was forced into a termination. Well bugger me, next thing I knew I was a size 16!!!
Fled domestic violence after 9 years together and ended up in the North East in a women’s refuge. Lost three stone in 3 weeks!!
Great??? At the time maybe, but I soon piled it back on tenfold 6 months later when I met my current partner and got ‘CONTENT’!!! Tw*t!!
That was five and half years ago, after another daughter, Lucy-Jo, who is now three, and half, I have never stopped growing.
I feel so big some days that I am literally waiting to pop!!
Thing is I carry it all on my belly
Size 14 waist... no hips or ass. Moreover, a 24 top. Hmmm yeah, I look fab lol.
I cannot even bare to go down an escalator coz I think am ganna tip over!!
Soooo.... That is my fatness in brief ha-ha. Updates will follow and I told u BEWARE ha-ha xxx
Love and best wishes to us all xxx
Kellie xxxx