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Proudly maintaining
I just wanted to tell you how well I think you have done. Being a couple of months ahead of me I've often looked to you for inspiration of where I can be if I work hard.

It's fantastic to see your BMI now in the 25's, you have obviously worked so hard and deserve the results you have acheived.

Would you talk me through a couple of days typical eatings for you at the stage you are at now?

Thanks, well done, and :hug99:
ah thanks hun. you really made me smile!

i think we are both proof that surgery can work x

a typical day for me eating wise would be 2 ryvita thin crackers or 1 slice of wholemeal toast with either egg or low fat chees spread. for lunch i might have a small jacket potatoe with either beans or veg chilli or a salad. and for tea i would have a stir fry with chilli and soya sauce or stew with potato. i try to eat some fruit in between but still don't tend to get hungry so have to remind myself.

unfortunately i have discovered jaffa cakes and they go down a treat!!!! try to limit myself to 2 a day at the very most!! best thing would be not to but them!!! i have also found that gnocci goes down well and is suprisingly low in fat and calories. done with a spicy tomatoe sauce it is great!!!

i am finding i can eat most things now in small quantities.

thanks for your kind words shel, you too are doing amazingly well. look forward to meeting you soon x
Oooh hadn't thought of gnocchi :) it's really simple and cheap to make too.
def worth a try. it can be made with lots of different sauces too. let me know how you get on x