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thank you so much to pG & HC


needs more post
hi PG & HC just want to thank you both for taking ur time to chat 2 me on monday, although i had already made up my mind by-pass was best for me you have both made me feel so very positive about it...i have felt quite light headed since as though a weight has been lifted off my mind..you are superstarsxxx
they are a lovely (if slightly loopy) pair aren't they :D
Lesley, it was lovely to meet & chat you. You will be soon on the losing side bursting to tell others how great your experience was! Please feel free to PM me if you remember those questions you wanted to ask.

Maybe now that you feel less nervous you can enjoy the excitement of getting ready for your new life. Best of luck and keep us posted on how you are getting on. The support of this forum helped me through the days before my surgery so I didn't feel alone. Take advantage of that.

Take care.
Im so excited i just worry it will be taken away from me..but as i always say to others 'dont worry, worry or worry will worry you' if you get my meaning..should learn to take my own advice...i dont no how to pm you..i cant even look at pics of people as it always tells me im not allowed..not quite got the drift of using this yet but i will..cos as you have told me its so supportive and i can see that to be true....
You don't have 50 posts yet so it won't allow you access to pics & pm. So get posting hun. Also, I sent you an email with my contact info.

yep! just got that nic, wish i was as organised as you.there's no messing where your concerned you just get on with it..im a right dawdler...thank youx
Hubby says the same thing but instead of 'organized' he says 'bossy', hehehe:8855::8855:
lesley it was lovely meeting you too. saying that it felt as though i already new you. Any questions just as you have my mobi no also just think in a few months time we will be able to be ladies that lunch on a monday after nic and i have been to aqua aerobics and you have slivered out of work and we can share the rest of that jacket potato with you minus the prawns lol
that sounds fab!! it could then even turn from ladies that lunch on a monday to babes who dance on a friday nite!! might feel more up to that when i get rid of this extra person he! he! and yes i also felt like i new you both all my life ive been so lucky to just fall on this sitexxx
Bring it on :party0023::party0049::party0048:!!!!
run a mile til you catch the one you wantxx you havin enough fun on your own at the moment enjoying the new you and it shows in your sparkly eye'sx
Got to admit lesley im loving every min of it. Just wait till yr where i am.
Just been through my wardrobe again i have 3 bin liners full to take to the charity shop. I have decided that in todays current climate and as my job is pretty secure instead of selling my clothes on ebay the money can go to the local hospice shop (the hospice looked after both my mum and dad) to help with their funds and so not only do they benifit the person buying does as well.
I am down to one coat that should see me through the winter. and my friend has just given me a bag of clothes as she has gone from an 18 to a 16. so at least there are some clothes to shrink into.
off to bes as was up at 4.30 this morning and it may be another early one tomorrow.
that is such a lovely thought.. i think i will do that.. make sure you look after yourself and nite nite sweet dreamsx
More importantly ladies, when are we going to hit Liverpool? I've trekked to Manchester, so it's about time you trekked down here ;) Fabby new shopping centre at Liverpool One with lov-er-ly restaurant terrace and park thingy.
Yes, I chatted w/HC about it and she said soon as she gets settled with her new work schedule she is up for it so just waiting for the word from HC. Then it is time to shop til you drop down in your neck of the woods.