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That's sooo wierd - a bath!!


New Member
Tonight I had a bath ... for the first time in 10 years! :0bathtime: It was the strangest feeling!! :confused: I could move in the bath, there was water all round me (all at the same level!) & I didn't need any help to get out!

I am just so 'wierded out'! :mermaid:

(Sorry, strange thread but had to share!! :rolleyes:)
Lol ditzy, similar timing! I had a bath today for the first time in agggessss as I normally shower at home. Water all round, didn't start crying at the site of myself naked sat down, shaving my legs only took a few minutes with a safety razor instead of 3 hours with a lawnmower, and I positively jumped out at the end :) Tis a good feeling!
lol bless ya. You will have to treat yourself now to loads of lovely bubble baths etc. Body shop products are my favorites....although I don't do baths cuz I can't get out, but I will soon too! x
ye will be good to have a bath with water all round lol instead of me been a dam lol
I realised my bum fitted in the bath the other day instead of the Dambusters theme starting up - tis a ice feeling...

A bit of a way to go before I can say there is water all round...but hey, I am heading in the right direction...:)
that must be fantastic. I cant remember the last time i had a bath. and i dont have one at home as i have a steam shower in place of the bath. Will have to go on holiday to try the bath thing out. lol
I love a good bath but you Brits have such shallow/narrow tubs!!! I had a big garden tub (that means oval shaped and a bit deeper than normal) in America that was lovely but I have to admit at my highest weight most of my good bits were above the surface of the water when the tub was full if you know what I mean. In my current flat, about half of me doesn't get wet in a full tub which just makes me cold & grumpy. I have to turn over to get the other side wet which is always as risk because I could cause a tidal wave in the bathroom!!!!:8855::8855::8855:

Looking forward to fitting well in a small tub & not creating a butt-damn with tons water behind me!
I can't wait to have a bath and really enjoy it instead of sitting there, worrying about whether I'm actually going to be able to get out and also freezing most of my bits off cause they don't get under the water. Right now I only have to put a few inches of water into the tub cause when I get in it rises way up. I'm a good water conservationist... lol
We don't have a shower at home, only a bath. Will this cause a problem after surgery regarding not getting your dressings wet???
We don't have a shower at home, only a bath. Will this cause a problem after surgery regarding not getting your dressings wet???

They took my dressings off second day after the operation, so you won't have any dressings, but I don't know about submerging the scar though, perhaps you should just stand in the bath and sponge yourself down for a while.
Yeah I agree with crafty, cuz the last thing you want is to infect your wound with dirty bath water, try and clean it if you must with sterile water and cotton wool, or just keep it dry. x
I love a good soak but dread it just now because my knees scream when I get ut. I have to push myself up to extend my arms while putting my feet beneath me, then lean forwards where knees take the weight, albeit fleetingly.

I'm a roughty-toughty kinda gal, but this always has me wincing like I don't know what.

Am also looking forward to the island in the bath and lack of dambusters effect!
Whilst I dont like a good soak I do prefer baths to showers and for sometime prior to surgery I was only having showers. I now really love my bath and get a thrill at seeing how much space there is around me...only a little thing but it means the world....also has anyone noticed how much further around them the towel now goes!! and I have to wrap my dressing gown round a lot more also....all very good positive things...xx
This thread makes me want a bath every night lol. My bath goes inward in the middle and it wedges my hips in. I can get in and out but prefer using my mums bath which is wide all along it. The thought of a long soak is bliss x
I would be careful having a bath straight after your op It will prob be painful to get out once your in, well tahst what they told me before I left hospital