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The last straw


Love my sleeve!!
Oh my :( I had people pointing and laughing, I know it's wrong but I'm not going out any more :(
Oh that is so sad, it is horrid to be laughed at. :mad: People can be so cruel.

Don't let the stupids get you down.

Big huggs for you xxx:grouphugg:
Ignore them Caren. They don't matter they have small minds and small brains. I used to get upset and angry at these people as well until I realised that it/they really aren't worth the effort, now I just ignore them.
That is so awful! People are so unbelievably rude! That has happened to me before.. It really messed me up. Made me feel insecure about myself and not want to leave the house. I wish they could see what there behavior does to people. Keep your chin up though and try to pay no attention to them. It gets very lonely when you lock yourself inside your house. I hope you start to feel better.
I had a child in asda stand there and go 'fat' 'fat' 'fat' and point. Really wanted to lock the kid in the lid down freezers...



It is so easy for them to point and laugh - when they do, imagine them naked (no it isn't a pretty thought is it) and then walk away with a smile on your face - it is so infuriating for them because they don't know what's going on!!

And, when you're further down this journey and sitting on the post-op bench, they won't know it was you and will want to be your friend (if only in the pub) and you can smile sweetly and say 'no thanks'

I had a child in asda stand there and go 'fat' 'fat' 'fat' and point. Really wanted to lock the kid in the lid down freezers...



Lol Miss D-loving your sense of humour!!!!
Haha :). Well honestly! The parents just stood there. Im a very assertive person so i really had to hold back lol
thanks everyone, im ok, we always are aren't we? it just got to me thats all
Darling girl dont give in to the stay at home feeling.They wont be giving you a second thought and it could ruin your life thinking they are out there waiting to point the finger.Deep breath put on your make up best gear and go to the shops.Put a smile on your face and show the world 'Hey Im as good as everyone else!'Best of luck with the rest of your journey,it is hard at times but keep the thought that we have all got through the same s*** and come out the other side slimmer,healthier and a damn lot stronger!Love from Liverpool.Maz x
people only get to us if we give them permission to do so,,,,stop watching what overs are doing, your probably seeing things and hearing things that aint all about you ,but because we are so pre occupied with being obese,(which for me, is a side effect of going on this journey,i never felt so big or ugly before the bariatric hospital confirmed i am!now with every appointment i feel bigger and uglier lol)hold ya head high,they dont know you ,more importantly you dont want to know them so feck em! xxx chin up love xxx
Have I missed a bit of the original post?
I can't see where you were when it happened or who it was that laughed or who you were with............. BUT when I look at your profile picture I always think to myself, My goodness what a gorgeous woman that is. You are so pretty, have such an open an honest smile and a you radiate warmth so are you sure they were laughing at you for the reasons you are thinking?
If they were then forget the incident. What you do, where you go, how you look, what you wear, how you speak, smile, sleep, how you LIVE YOUR LIFE has NOTHING to do with anybody else. Just go out and be yourself. Never let anybody hurt you.
Love Lynne x
...Have BUT when I look at your profile picture I always think to myself, My goodness what a gorgeous woman that is...
Love Lynne x

That is what I thought too, I think you look so happy and confident enough to put a photo up! I wish I was.

You have got us honey, you don't need to worry about stupid people you don't know. xxx