New Member
well i've had a fantastic day of lasts with my wonderful hubby and gorgeous daughter there was a big fireworks display at the beach tonight so i've treated myself to candy floss, hot roast chestnuts and a donut (or 2!) i didn't want to go to go too over board but i wanted to get it out of my system the things from the old life that i'm waving a fond and yet long overdue farewell to, so i got home, made my sugar free jelly up ready for work tomorrow, have my milk and fruit at the ready and i'm ready to get started on the road to my new life, i know i don't strictly need to start until 10 days before op but i'm in the right head space to get started with the milk diet so off we go, so I'm sitting watching family guy with my last ever can of irn bru and a picnic bar and actually looking forward to tomorrow! lets see how I feel after a couple of days