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therapeutic fast


I stopped smoking two months ago. Starting tomorrow I'm doing a therapeutic fast for 10 days. It is a modified juice fast that permits no food, substituting tea and lemonade made with maple syrup and cayenne pepper. I hope I can do it!
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Errrrrr..... Just googled this. :eek:

Didn't you have wls to help you move onto sensible eating and re-educating yourself to proper healthy food, portion control and generally not doing weird faddy diets, of which this one seems to be one of the most completely bonkers to be bordering on hilarious that anyone would do this.

Have you read the bit on the nightly salt flush :8855:

Seriously, I still see a counsellor to help me with my food issues, a year after my wls, maybe this would be a better idea to find a professional that you can get a rapport with, rather than this craziness.
I wasn't going to say anything. But can't ignore. I read the website, and it's bonkers, even if it is only for 10 days. Why do you want to do it? What are you hoping to achieve?
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Lamb, I'm not sure that a Sleeve and a thing like Master Cleanse can go together.
Have you considered your prots and other nutrients sinking?
If it's about boosting your weight loss, have you tried adding prots or adding some exercise (even walking helps)?
You've done so well quitting smoke after surgery, you can do well on your sleeve too!
My doctor advised me to do a cleanse because I stopped smoking. In Germany therapeutic fasting is part our medical treatment and culture. We believe in less pills and more domestic remedies "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" and all that stuff. And fasts are not about losing weight - you lose water and after you start eating again you weigh almost the same as you did before. It's about detoxing under the supervision of my doctor. http://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/remedy.htmlhttp://www.dict.cc/englisch-deutsch/fasting.html
My doctor advised me to do a cleanse because I stopped smoking. In Germany therapeutic fasting is part our medical treatment and culture. We believe in less pills and more domestic remedies "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" and all that stuff. And fasts are not about losing weight - you lose water and after you start eating again you weigh almost the same as you did before. It's about detoxing under the supervision of my doctor.

I've heard about therapeutic fasting but it's something we don't use in Italy.
Good luck if you decide to go on with it. Hope it really works cleaning out years and years of smoke toxines.