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Time to decision


New Member
It's been 2 weeks and 3 days since I went to apply for surgery at the doctors, I can't remember how long things normally take and was wondering how long I should leave it until I chase them up on my application?

I know it's only been 2 weeks but it already feels like a lifetime in limbo!

MoonCake xXx
It's been 2 weeks and 3 days since I went to apply for surgery at the doctors, I can't remember how long things normally take and was wondering how long I should leave it until I chase them up on my application?

I know it's only been 2 weeks but it already feels like a lifetime in limbo!

MoonCake xXx
hey mookcake :) i used to phone the pct direct, the were always happy to speak and very helpful. They will let you know if you have been awarded funding, good luck :) xxx
Aww I know how you feel, it drags so badly, I was referred in February, chase them up all you want ha.

I've distracted myself dieting and exercising.
i have applied for funding twice.first time bmi was just under 50 and it took 3 wks for the reply to say no.second time bmi was over 50 and it took just three weeks again for the reply of yes.i know i only had to wait a short time but it felt like forever because i had already had my hospital appointments and bloods taken and the funding was the only thing delaying the next step on my journey.now just waiting to see surgeon on 7th sept.
Hope it won't be too much longer Mooncake, perhaps you should do as Caren suggests and call your PCT?
Good luck lovely
Em xxxx
I rang the pct who told me they had my application and it had notes on it to get more info from my doctor.. They said I'd missed july's board and I would find out from doc late August.

They also said its 2 years from funding to op..

I really don't think il get it again :,( feels so hopeless

MoonCake xXx
Oh bless you :( find out what info they need asap, and get it sorted, good luck xxx

from me phone :D
I rang the pct who told me they had my application and it had notes on it to get more info from my doctor.. They said I'd missed july's board and I would find out from doc late August.

They also said its 2 years from funding to op..

I really don't think il get it again :,( feels so hopeless

MoonCake xXx

I know its very difficult right now but stay positive hun we're all here as support for ya to have a rant/vent/cry to. May I ask which PCT you are with?? xxx