soon to be not big AL
New Member
Hi all, its been two and a half months since my bypass and its going great. still get the odd rabid dog moments but trying to get me to slow down when im eating is like platting fog. i tryed chocolate the other week and had to lie down for two hours (won't do that again) and peanuts act like exlax so snickers are out for life . But if you don't try you don't know. Anyway i'm thinking of going back to the gym yet again to try to help maintain a high level of weight loss and i was wondering what you all have to say on the subject . have you gone down that route? did it help? did you get to tired? i found i got very tired just before my first vitamin b injection but did a bit of reserch and started taking folic acid shortley after and found it was like taking speed. i was jabbering like a five badge parrot and felt great,wide awake and full of beans. did you use protein supplements? all infomation greatley appreciated.
