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today was good AND bad


new year...new me!x
well i had my pre op assessment today. i turned up and was told that my fasting bloods and hp test results had not come thru...so i called my gp surgery and they denied doing them! i said...well i know they were done and gave them the date...guess what, they found them and emailed them straight over...when we looked at them the hp test was not done as the lab informed my surgery they do not do it with blood, so i needed to supply a fecal sample...thay never contacted me for this so...i had to have the 'breath' version immediatly at a cost of £55...guess who will be ringing the surgery to complain tomorrow...ME!!!

i also have to loose 8lbs before next wednesday...or else the price goes up and i have to have it done at a different hospital...so i must buckle down this week and stick to my shakes religously and walk walk walk...i WILL do it!

aside from the above everything went really well, everyone was lovely andanswered all my questions and treated me with dignity and respect...i did not feel uncomfortable at any time during the assessments.

so fingers crossed for my 8lb in a week weightloss.....IT MUST HAPPEN!!!
Will keep everything crossed for you over this week then! Work out the difference in price and stick it on the front of your fridge, anytime you feel tempted to have anything off plan, ask yourself if it's worth that much money!
Now that have your target in sight and a money incentive you will be able to do!

We are routing for you!:party0011::party0011::party0011:
Hi there, hope you reach your target and get your op as planned

Having said that I find it quite disturbing that a surgeon would put that kind of pressure on you for financial reasons. To me it kind of cheapens and trivialises your situation. Sorry just my honest opinion. We face so many pressures through our weight loss surgery journeys that to have this weight on your shoulders must be unbearable. People can stick 100% to any presurgery diet plan and still hardly lose a thing. We are all different and our bodies react in different ways. For example when I did the slimming world diet, both times in the first week I only lost a pound then in the second week I lost 8 or 9. Most people experience the bigger loss in the first week. Sorry to rant.
I kinda agree with Alia, if weight loss were easy for you I doubt that you would want surgery. It does seem a bit high pressure. That said we are amazing creatures and when we want something bad enough we can make things happen. Best of luck and keep positive it REALLY makes a difference.

It does seem a bit like a pressure cooker of emotions. the surgeon is adding to it. You can do it, take it easy with the walking tho, you dont want to burn yourself out. Fingers crossed 4 u x
It's a BMI thing though isn't it, not really about wanting a huge weight loss. Private hospitals often have 2 rates, one for BMI over 50 and one for under. Because patients with a BMI over 50 often need more care during and after surgery and so in essence can cost more to the hospital.
It's a BMI thing though isn't it, not really about wanting a huge weight loss. Private hospitals often have 2 rates, one for BMI over 50 and one for under. Because patients with a BMI over 50 often need more care during and after surgery and so in essence can cost more to the hospital.

thats exactly it...i need to drop my bmi to 49.1 which is 266lbs for my height...as bmi over this increases the price by £4000 (£500 a lb for me !!!) as it means using a different hosp and the use of 2 surgeons and 2 anesthatists and 2 nurses for aftercare...all understandable...and obviously there has to be a cut off point its just that i am hovering right over that point at the moment...:(...but i HAVE to do it...will keep you posted!
Just think of that £4000 as the most amazing motivation in the world, that has got to keep you on track. And if you stay on track then you are doing the best you can do, and that is all anyone can ask of you :D

you can do it, you've come this far! stay focused it's only for one week. Be thinking of you. x
well i had my pre op assessment today. i turned up and was told that my fasting bloods and hp test results had not come thru...so i called my gp surgery and they denied doing them! i said...well i know they were done and gave them the date...guess what, they found them and emailed them straight over...when we looked at them the hp test was not done as the lab informed my surgery they do not do it with blood, so i needed to supply a fecal sample...thay never contacted me for this so...i had to have the 'breath' version immediatly at a cost of £55...guess who will be ringing the surgery to complain tomorrow...ME!!!

i went to the gp surgery this morning and spoke to the practice manager and he said he would 'investigate'...i was pleased he had agreed to see me but thought he was fobbing me off...BUT this afternoon i recieved a call from him and the practice more or less admited cocking up and so they are going to pay for the hp test as a good will gesture...RESULT!!! woo hoo for mermaid power!!! :)
good on ya mermaid. well done for sticking up for yourself
that's great :)
Ooo thats alright aint it! See things are looking better already! There are always positive things to counteract the negative. x