Hi after listening to advise given from you lovley ladies spoke to my gP and she reffered me to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary to see the chappie there, he has recently taken over from my local hospital who usually do banding and bypass, been moved to aberdeen as the local chap has retired. I have a couple of querys and wondered if any of you banders could help me sort it out ?
Lady I know has had a band for about a year now and she only eats soup, one of those little heinz pots you buy in 4s from supermarket. She also has a large hernia on the site of the port. Sooo question 1 is I could not survive eating soup for a year, pretty dotty now
but would be jumping in the spey if I had to do that, is this normal ?
question2 is Are hernias normal in this sort of surgery ?
And I am sure you will think what a nana but what is "dumping" have came across the term while doing my homework and dont understand this at all. Still a newbee but have read loads of your posts and great to have a huge base of such friendly info, I live a bit far away from most of you as I am in the north east of scotland, anybody else out there from this neck of the mountains
Lady I know has had a band for about a year now and she only eats soup, one of those little heinz pots you buy in 4s from supermarket. She also has a large hernia on the site of the port. Sooo question 1 is I could not survive eating soup for a year, pretty dotty now
question2 is Are hernias normal in this sort of surgery ?
And I am sure you will think what a nana but what is "dumping" have came across the term while doing my homework and dont understand this at all. Still a newbee but have read loads of your posts and great to have a huge base of such friendly info, I live a bit far away from most of you as I am in the north east of scotland, anybody else out there from this neck of the mountains