I have pain in the port. Initially I had 2 months of pain on my port that only morphine could deal with it. I had a second procedure to remove the claws of the port in my abdomen as they may have been on a nerve. In the interim I had pain on the outside of my tummy as well.
My provider thankfully is excellent, and I have been back to see him many many times over the summer, I am really glad I went local-ish as I have had same day urgent appointments with my surgeon when the need arose, no seeing nurses, no ending up in A&E or my GP etc.
My port is now moving freely in my tummy, I have no more pain from it, but in a couple of things that I do and I once wore jeans, the port physically moves, it doesn't hurt, it's just a bit of a weird feeling, a bit like hitting your funny bone.
I recently bruised the inside of my tummy with the port hitting it from the inside, and then I zapped a hole in my pouch with Nurafen, as it sits in your pouch when you take it.
I take responsibility for the self inflicted madness, but long term the discomfort/weirdness factor don't make it viable.
I've had to get an emergency de-fill recently and I'm not sure if my surgeon will put it back in as I don't think that I have enough restriction to start with.
My GP has never said no to me, so it's odd for me that my surgeon does. No is not an answer that I like

. Patience is not one of my virtues either
