Zaneta is the lead of the Truro BOSPA support group....if you read between the lines, a) the interview is excerpted from 'Closer' I really need to say any more?'s hardly a quality read.....and b) I can't decide if Vanessa Allen (the supposed 'reporter' of the MailOnline article) has been clever in how she has ordered the quotes taken from the full interview, or whether that was down to purely artistic licensing from the person who wrote the original article for 'Closer' short, knowing Zaneta & how passionate she is about WLS, I don't suppose for one second she said anything 'close' to what she was supposed to have said.
As for the comments people leave at the end of these articles, I never read them....the world is a full of rude, ignorant & ill-informed people....I meet them everyday & I don't need reminding that there are more out there than I realise!