I know that back pain is not looked at as a co-morbidity. But, it really sucks!!! I am about to call the emergency doc cause I can't move. They will as usual tell me I am fat. It is such an annoying dance I do with the surgery!!! They never take in consideration my weight when they do the prescriptions. Sorry, but I weight nearly 300 pounds! I need more then a couple paracetamol... Sorry for the rant, but feeling really alone. I have no family to help out. My dh can't take time off. I can't lift my two year olds and I am beyond frustrated. I don't understand how they can blame every ailment under the sun on my weight but drag their feet in the surgery...Ok I am done now... lol
Whoaaaaaaaaaa i think you were in my head!!!!!!!!!!!
I can so totally empathise with you. Ive had pb with my back since i was 9, after being hit by a car. Various pb over the years; also as a result, pb with my knee and hip on one side. I have the same thing. I waited for surgery on my spine after a fall and 3 years of immobility and they stopped remembering about my spine/knee. I had just become this fat person whose pbs would all disappear if she wasnt lazy and lost weight. Well dahhhhh if you fixed my back i wouldnt have been stuck in a chair unable to do anything for so long..................
I feel so bad for you hun, i truly know what you are talking about. My kids are grown now, the youngest has just turned 12 tho and she has missed out on so much in comparisson to the older ones. She is too young to remember when we'd all go hiking or swimming, to the theme parks and even white water rafting......all she knows of activities with me is sitting at the table doing a puzzle, playing a board game or making some kind of crafts.
Seems as soon as the weight becomes an issue, the medical profession along with a lot of other people loose site of the 'person'. There are so many things i never went to the dr about after one particularly horrid nurse made a comment about my weight. I go tot he point where i couldnt face any more humiliation. Took a lot to go back and ask for help with my weight.
Is there more than one dr you can see? Is it worth trying agian and specifically asking to see someone else. Or even write a letter to them, explain what you feel you need, how they have made you feel by not listening. I did this, and although it didnt solve all the issues, it made them sit up and listen.
I hope you get what you need hun.....
And you thought you knew how to rant heheh sorry....medical profession ignoring us is pet peeve with me too