I have been unable to pass a large stool for the past 4 days.. tried a enema it hasnt worked also tried laxative. Now experiencing cramps what should i do?
Speak with Doctor..I had an impacted bowel once and you don't want that...just check in with Doctor..Movicol is good but if you had an enema and that hasn't helped you need to have a word with GP
I had exactly the same issue after my op. The important thing about any laxative you take is that it should be osmotic - this will prevent the bowel re-absorbing water and keep everything soft. I use movicol, if you see your GP you should be able to get it on prescription. It is important you speak to your GP, as otherwise it can do a bit of damage (it's not really somewhere you want a tear to have to apply creams and dressings to).
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