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Update 2.20.11


Ok y'all sorry I haven't been on here in a while. I have just been so overwhelmed with stress from Grad School and working full time with my children services jobs.

I got a bit depressed although I went from 302 to 236. My mind is still at 302 sometimes. Like some people see no difference and some notice it right away. I stopped working out for 2 weeks but today I broke that cycle by working out this morning. I needed it, my body needed it and although it was hard I did the most I could.

I'm hoping i will keep going because I never want to go back and I want to keep moving Forward.

Wish me luck y'all.
good luck sweets well done on your loss x
A fantastic loss and great to hear from you, I was wondering how you were doing, that's brilliant.

What sorts of foods are you finding suit you best?

Love and hugs xxx
Well I love me some cabbage for roughage. Dark meat chicken, tilapia, chilli made with ground turkey and meatballs. I'm still trying to see what else I can eat but all in due time.
I am having trouble with my protein shakes as I loved them before but hate them now. I dont like the texture of yogurt or jello right now. Plus I only like to drink water and I must admit I had wine this weekend. I can tolerate orange juice when I had a cold. Apple juice is too sweet but prune juice is ok.
I tried some wheat pasta but maybe only 5 noodles at most.
I'm still getting used to the "when I'm full feeling" and not resulting in throwing up or making myself throw up.
But if you guys have any suggestions throw them at me.
We are tending to vary very much too... I'm enjoying cottage cheese... plus thin melba toast, since it melts into nothing...
To be honest, I'm not feeling a lot of hunger.

Eggs are a bit soon for me yet and some fish, feels like you've swallowed a brick if you eat something before you are ready or even too quickly...

You are doing well with such a varied diet and the meatballs sound delish!

Keep in touch, great to see you posting again xxx
I just chew a whole lot plus my doc told me I should start eating regular soft food. I haven't tried Melba toast but I was able to have a little bit of a wheat wrap.
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You are doing good... I've never seen tilapia fish in our supermarkets over here, but a good tip from an experienced bypasser was to have flat fish because it digests well... e.g., plaice... I tried 'tinned red salmon' mashed and thought it would be ok, but I was sick straight after, couldn't take it at all....

Some people are saying they can eat tuna with light mayonnaise though...

Like you I've gone off jelly (jello).... just had that during the first week...

Love and hugs xxx