New Member
Hi all
I dont post so much now but ill still be about and let you know how im doing.
I started glicercide diabectic drug 6 weeks ago and i was worried it would make me put on wieght and indeed it has.
So as from the otherday ive stopped taking that and just tried to be more active.
And its working , for the past few years ive not done much ive been very lazy.
But now ive seemed to have found some get up and go, Im doing all the house work / gardening and what ever i can find todo . a little wieght training and walking the dog and i feel great.
I was worried that having the bypass was going to fail and i would still stay lazy but what a breath of fresh air to wake up oneday and feel i wanted more.
I still get the urge to have something sweet but ill get that under control soon and fingers crossed ill lose the extra half a stone ive gained and carry on with losing again.
And the good thing is i feel like i can answer the front door to people now as the house is clean

well best get on stairs need a shampoo
speak soon guys
enjoy the sun if you have it
I dont post so much now but ill still be about and let you know how im doing.
I started glicercide diabectic drug 6 weeks ago and i was worried it would make me put on wieght and indeed it has.
So as from the otherday ive stopped taking that and just tried to be more active.
And its working , for the past few years ive not done much ive been very lazy.
But now ive seemed to have found some get up and go, Im doing all the house work / gardening and what ever i can find todo . a little wieght training and walking the dog and i feel great.
I was worried that having the bypass was going to fail and i would still stay lazy but what a breath of fresh air to wake up oneday and feel i wanted more.
I still get the urge to have something sweet but ill get that under control soon and fingers crossed ill lose the extra half a stone ive gained and carry on with losing again.
And the good thing is i feel like i can answer the front door to people now as the house is clean
well best get on stairs need a shampoo
speak soon guys
enjoy the sun if you have it