New Member
Hello everyone and Good Afternoon to you all
I called Queen's Hospital today to see if they received my referral from my endcrinologists from King Georges Hospital and they have received it, Mr Khoo's (surgeon) secretary informed me that I have been referred to see the dietician first (Dr Pearson)
My question to all you wise people is this the normal procedure ?? And what can I expect from this ?? If anyone can shed any light on this I would be most grateful.
All the best & thanks
- MeJulie xx
I called Queen's Hospital today to see if they received my referral from my endcrinologists from King Georges Hospital and they have received it, Mr Khoo's (surgeon) secretary informed me that I have been referred to see the dietician first (Dr Pearson)
My question to all you wise people is this the normal procedure ?? And what can I expect from this ?? If anyone can shed any light on this I would be most grateful.
All the best & thanks