New Member
Well im actually:sigh: i cant remember lol
,11 weeks past band op and so far im really fed up:cry::cry:.
Iv not posted on here as i just felt like poo over the last weeks
If any of you remember i had my GP sort after care out for me on the NHS, she did all the footwork and i was told this at 4 weeks past op she had already had the hosp say yes if the PCT agree
..and the pct said its the least they could do (i have co mobility's and have a good reason why i could not wait for funding, that i had an 80% chance of getting )
But ...
My GP after getting the yes from the PCT,sent my referral off to the hosp for two weeks later to get a reply asking for a full referral
(as in everything they want for you to get the op not after care). My GP was confused by this and so was the rest of the practice as im not asking for an op!! and funding is arranged .Also on the letter it stated that they will give me after care if i meet nice guidelines !! ,and if not they will not give me after care ??.
My funding is in place so im really upset by this:cry:, my GP has tried contacting the surgeon Mr leader i think his name was (spelling wrong i think) and has contacted his secretary and has his personal number but three weeks on no reply and im getting so upset
, i have gained 14 lbs ok iv not been dieting but iv been feeling so down i could not be bothered.
I never went for funding my GP did. and it was all sorted and i was so excited and now im left not knowing and not understanding why i have funding but no after care.
I now cant afford private fills till next spring as unfortunately my DH had a fall at work meaning he had to have an op 6 weeks ago that means he is off work on ssp so we are struggling i have kids b days, Xmas, starting a new business and a house to pay for and we are bringing in less than a quarter of his usual wage so we have had to use all the savings ,so when my gp sorted this i was soo soo happy and now i feel so upset and deflated and confused
ohh and on top of this i now have my second chest infection in three weeks .and sorry personal but im now heading for another op and investigations in to my heart and to top that off iv gone from no periods well every 7 months if im lucky (one of my co mobility's long long story ) to bleeding for 23 days so im under investigation for this
so all in all :cry::cry::cry:
Iv not posted on here as i just felt like poo over the last weeks
If any of you remember i had my GP sort after care out for me on the NHS, she did all the footwork and i was told this at 4 weeks past op she had already had the hosp say yes if the PCT agree
But ...
My GP after getting the yes from the PCT,sent my referral off to the hosp for two weeks later to get a reply asking for a full referral
My funding is in place so im really upset by this:cry:, my GP has tried contacting the surgeon Mr leader i think his name was (spelling wrong i think) and has contacted his secretary and has his personal number but three weeks on no reply and im getting so upset
I never went for funding my GP did. and it was all sorted and i was so excited and now im left not knowing and not understanding why i have funding but no after care.
I now cant afford private fills till next spring as unfortunately my DH had a fall at work meaning he had to have an op 6 weeks ago that means he is off work on ssp so we are struggling i have kids b days, Xmas, starting a new business and a house to pay for and we are bringing in less than a quarter of his usual wage so we have had to use all the savings ,so when my gp sorted this i was soo soo happy and now i feel so upset and deflated and confused
ohh and on top of this i now have my second chest infection in three weeks .and sorry personal but im now heading for another op and investigations in to my heart and to top that off iv gone from no periods well every 7 months if im lucky (one of my co mobility's long long story ) to bleeding for 23 days so im under investigation for this
so all in all :cry::cry::cry: