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upset over weight loss - I know dont compare to others but I AM !!!!


New Member
HI all,

I am 2 weeks post bypass now and I have lost 8lbs in two weeks and I am not happy - I have great protein intake no carbs and have been v good on what I eat.

I have lost 1 and half stone in 4 weeks prior to op dieting and doing pre op diet so add that and I have had a good loss but only 8lbs in 2weeks I lose more on WW.

feel very down and thinking what have I bothered for

Sorry but I am very narked about this

starry please do not be upset i too did not lose much post bypass for the first few weeks, and i know i am not one of the only ones. Your body is still healing and its putting all its energy into that rather then into burning off calories. The weight will start to fall off very soon.

Also you do need some carbs be it in the form of beans, veggies apples ect there is certainly no need for the simple carbs such as bread or rice you can get them from other food types
Yep you should be having some carbs, aim for complex ones not simple ones.

Like TS said, your body is still swollen and you'll be carrying excess fluid too. It's normal to lose little to no weight for the first couple of weight, so 8lbs is actually really good!
my average weight loss over 25 weeks since i started my pre op is 3.4lbs some weeks its more some less but look at it that it is off and gone forever.
yes WLS does give rapid weight loss but i personally think 4lbs a week is enough.
like the others have said your body is still recovering. Give it time.
HI all,

I am 2 weeks post bypass now and I have lost 8lbs in two weeks and I am not happy - I have great protein intake no carbs and have been v good on what I eat.

I have lost 1 and half stone in 4 weeks prior to op dieting and doing pre op diet so add that and I have had a good loss but only 8lbs in 2weeks I lose more on WW.

feel very down and thinking what have I bothered for

Sorry but I am very narked about this


Two weeks post op you should you should still be on clear liquids, then progress to sloppy, this period is about allowing everything inside to heal up not about shedding tones of weight !

4lb a week is above average for most people, so you should feel happy with this lose, stop beating yourself up over it, it took you years to gain the weight, its not going to fall of over night !
Two weeks post op you should you should still be on clear liquids, then progress to sloppy, this period is about allowing everything inside to heal up not about shedding tones of weight !

4lb a week is above average for most people, so you should feel happy with this lose, stop beating yourself up over it, it took you years to gain the weight, its not going to fall of over night !

Spoken like a loser of some repute.

I am just over 4 weeks post-op and my last loss was 3lbs. It is true what SS says, it did take years to put it on and will take a while to get it off.

Give your body a chance to heal and the tenderness to go down. :hug99:
I know it is tempting to have high expectations of weight loss post-op but you have to remember you have had major surgery! You will have wonderful weight loss but you can't stress over every week & every pound. Your body needs to adjust to your new calorie intake. Just keep up the practice of good nutrition you spoke about and you will get results. 4-5lbs/week is about the highest I have ever personally experienced but I also have seen some movement every week over the last 26 weeks. I was actually told that my PCOS could make my weight loss be slower than others but I really can't say that has been true!

You are doing great, be proud of yourself and celebrate each pound that drops off. Don't let your expectations make the experience less fun!!

thankyou all and sorry I sounded like a right prima donna !!!!!!

your all right of course - I am still very emotional which I find odd as I am not like that at all , normally I am a pull yourself up and just get on with it kinda gal !! Honest !!!

will now behave and stop being psycho drama queen !!!

xxxxx and I am glad to have had it done xx

HI all,

I am 2 weeks post bypass now and I have lost 8lbs in two weeks and I am not happy - I have great protein intake no carbs and have been v good on what I eat.

I have lost 1 and half stone in 4 weeks prior to op dieting and doing pre op diet so add that and I have had a good loss but only 8lbs in 2weeks I lose more on WW.

feel very down and thinking what have I bothered for

Sorry but I am very narked about this

Two weeks post op you should you should still be on clear liquids, then progress to sloppy, this period is about allowing everything inside to heal up not about shedding tones of weight !

4lb a week is above average for most people, so you should feel happy with this lose, stop beating yourself up over it, it took you years to gain the weight, its not going to fall of over night !

Excellent advice from everyone, I particularly thought SS hit the nail on the head here - it has taken all of us years to put on so much weight. Years of yo-yoing, putting more on, trying again etc. The painful road to no-where.
The 8lbs you have lost are gone FOREVER!
Good luck to you, I do understand your frustration but everyone is different. At WW you would be doomed to see the 8lbs again. Now you're not. Best of luck.
Hi Starry, sorry I can't advice as I'm pre op for band BUT just wanted to say "you're doing well" maybe you could lose 8lb on ww but at least this way you're not going to regain it with extra. Keep your chin up and don't stress about it slow and steady is good for the body.
Starry I also am pre op but I think you are doing great and it will keep coming off as PG said dont stress relax heal rest when needed you will laugh at this in a few weeks time.
As for being a prima donna we can all be that from time to time
