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Urgh I hate dumping!!!


I know Ive changed!
Urgh, dumping sucks!!!
What am I dumping on? Raisins!!! How flipping stupid is that!!! Every other day I munch on them Im fine and then this evening I must have eaten a few too many and they have really not agreed with me. I have that typical knot in my stomach, the one that feels like a fist in your stomach, and my head is spinning as though Im drunk. Its only technically a mild dump and it will all stop very soon and Ill be none the worse for it, but dumping, at any severity, sucks!!!
Thats all.
Steph xx
How awful. I hate that. I swear there really is no rhyme or reason to the dumping.
Ive never dumped so bad that Ive thrown up or passed out, very nearly but not yet, but these mild ones suck too. Dumping is better than being able to indulge myself in sweet stuff though, so its nice that a year post op I still have what I call my bottled willpower lol
Steph xx