Thanks girls, i wont touch a agency with a barge pole because they are money grabbing, over priced people and i dont like them
The house i went and viewed was on Gumtree so a private landlord. We went around the night before like we have always done priior to looking at some where (moved more times than i can count
) When we got there the house was smelly, trashy, and wait for it........... had people still in bed!!! OMG i couldnt beleive it!
I knew it wasnt for us straight away.
Im going to view a lovely 3 bed detached bungalow tommorrow morning, Its within walking distance of the schools, literally across the rd from the secondary school chloe will go to in September.
The lady is lovely who i spoke to, shes fine with HB but did say she would like me to get a gaureentor , which is fine.
I have a good feeling about this one xx