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Watery worries


New Member
Hi, I like to drink about 2 litres of water every day and have done this for about 10 years, can you still drink the same after your op????? Its amazing what you think about when your quiet at work!! :eek:
After the first week, you should be able to drink as much as you like during the course of the day but only in little sips, not big gulps. I find it hurt on the couple of occasions I forgot and took a big swallow but I think there is also a potential to stretch your pouch over time too.
Im a bander and I've been able to drink normally from the time of my op. At the beginning on liquids only I was drinking a good litre + a day. In smaller amounts (ie you can't take very big gulps) but since that time I am fully able to drink and do drink 2-3 litres a day, and no longer need to take small sips . . .
I use to drink 2 litres a day too but now 1 and a half litres. I aim for 2 but with the wait 30 mins before and after food and feeling full after meals and the fact you have to sip its hard to fit it in.
ive always drank lots of water and a couple of days after bypass i was drinking lots well over 2 ltr but like everyone else says sip sip sip as its painfull to gulp lol x
do you have to take breaks between eating and drinking? is that for practicalities i.e. you physically can't eat and drink at same time? x

I always leave at least 30mins at least before I drink when I've eaten,
Otherwise food flushes out of your pouch to quick.
And yes can't do both as its painful as you get to full
This is where I will struggle. I struggle now getting liquids in me when in work as I can go all day with just having one glass of water with my dinner and possibly a cup of tea in morning with brekkie.

Something I got to learn to change and remember to fill my glass up!
This is where I will struggle. I struggle now getting liquids in me when in work as I can go all day with just having one glass of water with my dinner and possibly a cup of tea in morning with brekkie.

Something I got to learn to change and remember to fill my glass up!

I'm exactly the same,I've always been the same.
I've bought a sports cup to try and get more fluids down.