The MGB forum is often quiet but it might be a nice idea to start a weekly weigh in like the banders have where we talk about what we're eating and have a casual weigh in Anyone up for this??
Such a shame no one responded to this! Would be a brilliant idea! I'm getting mine done in 2 months and was looking forward to reading everyones responses haha. How are you doing Summer?
Yes I can eat lots more than I could 18 months ago, on my diary on here, I did say that I try and tell myself just because you can, doesn't mean you should, so just because I can eat loads I try not too. It's definitely not as much as pre-op, but I can eat quite a bit now which can be a bit scary at times.
I'm glad it's not just me that finds that scary if you know what I mean? Yesterday I nearly managed a full plate of food - it's a meal delivery service so at least I know it was a 'normal' portion but I genuinely found that scary and stressful
I'm glad it's not just me that finds that scary if you know what I mean? Yesterday I nearly managed a full plate of food - it's a meal delivery service so at least I know it was a 'normal' portion but I genuinely found that scary and stressful
I completely understand, this has happened way too many times for me, and I'm letting bad habits like drinking whilst I'm eating slip in. But I think the fact that we're aware of it is actually a good thing. Also over time, we can just naturally eat more so eating a normal portion at some point occasionally is bound to happen FeeBee! You're doing great!
I'm so nervous about this MGB! I've started to have some doubts about it, just because the community is so small and there is a lot more research on the other types of surgery. My other option is to switch to a VSG but considering my surgery is this month I really need to make a decision!
I don't know whether I'm just flitting because it's getting close now and I'm nervous or what. But I'm getting quite anxious now! I wish someone could just tell me which one would be right for me
The thing is, even if there was a big MGB contingent here your WLS would still be your individual journey. Has your surgeon explained why he's suggesting this as the best option for you and do you feel his reasoning makes sense? That's what I'd suggest making your decision on I'm a (not so big) fan of the sleeve but others have struggled with theirs. Which ever WLS you decide there'll be a mix of experiences x
Thanks FeeBee I really appreciate your reply. He has explained, but also obviously said that the final decision is one that only I can make. I think I am going to stick with the MGB, I think its just last minute nerves making me unsure! I've started my pre op diet now and I'm getting so nervous!
I think it was last minute nerves (not that it is even last minute yet, 11 days to go!). I have stuck with the MGB, I think it will be right for me. Just transferred the money to Belgium Eek!
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